30 January 2008

Prima mea leapsa

Trebuia sa iau cartea cea mai apropiata. Aveam de ales intre Kundera cu "Lentoarea" sau cartea pentru examen... Din pacate, Kundera isi termina cartea la pagina 102 asa ca am indraznit sa deschid "English Morphology: Word Formation" la pagina 123 (desi eu inca nu am ajuns cu invatatul pana aici :( )... Si iata ce se asterne de la randul cinci in jos: "As we have seen, nevertheless, ing-of nominals have all the properties of event nominals, whose internal structure contains an affix taking a VP complement. The approach we have adopted assigns to ing-of nominals the same structure as that of other derived event nominals, as represented in (36c) above. The structure in (36c) accounts for the differences between Poss-ing and ing-of nominals. The absence of an AsP projection with ing-of nominals is, in the one hand, a reflection of the fact that these nouns do not allow adverbs or auxiliaries, and, on the other hand, it is responsible for the fact that the direct object receives genitive case." Acestea au fost primele patru fraze. Cartea are 223 de pagini, eu am ajuns la pagina 50, iar examenul este pe 5 februarie. Da, anul asta. Leapsa merge la Irys, Kitten si Pilulele.

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