20 February 2010

things you didn't know about me

1. I'm pretty good at screwing things up because I'm quite a shy person and I talk too much.
2. This day seems to me pretty fucked up.
3. Now you know I do use the f word.
4.These past few months had their ups and downs, mostly downs.
5. It even bothers me that I know what bothers me.
6. I have my own demons to deal with.
7. Sadness seems to overwhelm me lately.
8. Routine is my worst enemy and it's winning.
9. I don't like French, not one bit.
10. I hate that I have to leave the house and pretend to be happy.

I shouldn't write these things here, but it's my way of dealing with them. So if today you've come here searching for a smile, you've come to the wrong blog.


  1. Anonymous20:22

    I know you!
    Cause I know me.

    All I can do is.. hug.

  2. Anonymous01:59

    >:D< Avem cu totii zile proaste. Eu iti apreciez in continuare sinceritatea si ma gandesc ca soarele de primavara (ce pandeste sa izbucneasca peste noi) o sa iti redea o bucurie de zile mari. :) Si pana atunci... sper ca momentele acestea sa-ti fie de folos, chiar daca sunt urate. Eu, in momentele cele mai urate, iau decizii bune (printre cele proaste) de a ma schimba, sau de a schimba ceva ce nu mai functioneaza bine in viata mea sau nu ma duce nicaieri. Ca si in stiinta, trebuie o criza ca sa se formeze o noua paradigma. Desi atunci cand suntem in criza nu ne vine sa gandim asa. Stiu.

  3. am zambit cand te-am citit:).hug.

  4. afff.. nu pot sa cred ca ai folosit the "F" word

    do it again, do it again

  5. oh, fuck, look who's back! :)

  6. This video seems made for you, then
    and... je ne crois pas un seul mot! je sais que tu m'aimes aussi! :P

  7. Eh, nu, nu, nici chiar aşa :))

  8. care parte? aia cu "f"? :P

  9. @aproapealb: şi chiar dacă ne vine să gândim aşa, eu una am o problemă: mi-e greu să mă ţin de hotărârile astea.


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

My photo
scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare