21 August 2012
what to ask from people
does this make you sick? does happiness make you sick? very well then. I can only hope one day it will finally make you feel better.
ask people to be honest with themselves because this is the only way they will be honest with you. ask people to love themselves and ask people to fulfil their dreams and make them believe it CAN be done. ask people to love the nights, don't ask people to love you.
ask people to love music and share your music with them. ask people to love the time they spend alone and they'll understand why you sometimes meet nobody at all. ask people to believe in their own path and they'll no longer judge yours.
ask people to focus on them and never imitate. ask people to believe in what they can do and never question why others are whey they are. ask people to get stronger for them because one day they'll be stronger for others.
but do ask people to know better. and ask people to know why they are where they are. remind them nothing is a present in this life and that it is only natural to work hard for what we want.
ask people to remember time is infinite but the only time we have is now. ask people to live every minute being grateful. and be grateful for the people you have in your life.
no matter what to ask from people, ask them for their own good.
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With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
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- what to ask from people
- :)
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