the healing happens unexpectedly
listen to what I say
do you hear me?
the healing happens unexpectedly
when drinking some tea
a third cup of tea
curtains hiding light
on a Sunday
it just happen that it was Easter
Sunday and so anyway while I was having my third cup of tea
healing happened
I don't want to write about it
even though you might think I am
- but I am not -
I am not sharing this with anyone
- I used to share a lot -
and so healing happened
while I was having my third
cup of tea
I am healed now
I now know what yesterday I only imagined
and hoped
someone else would give me
but healing came to me
I can't describe it nor can I talk about it
it could have even been in that cup of tea
but now it's here
and I know what I am supposed to do
I am already doing so
and oh
the healing came to me.
05 May 2013
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With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.
- mici de tot
- Some have the life they build, others have the lif...
- unele lucruri se invata mai greu
- mai multe, mai putin?
- seninul din inima
- intotdeauna
- fa ceea ce trebuie facut
- let you go
- no pain, no gain
- multumesc
- astenia inimii
- despre superputeri
- 26 later
- greu de explicat
- fii bun ca nu stii cum o sa fie
- cugetări scurte, matinale
- the healing
- that perfect imperfection
- se intampla rar
- domnule, totul e minunat
VLP la MTV Romania
acasa in viena
adevaratul verde ursuz
aici ne-am chinuit neuronii mai mult decat de obicei
aiurea-n tramvai
cantec pentru a te face sa zambesti
cu inima cat un purice
fericirea sta intr-o ceasca de ceai
imi doresc
intr-o zi... o sa scriu o carte despre tine
ipocritii nu mi-au placut niciodata
iubire etc.
melancolii si firimituri
micul Paris
mie-mi plac
my precious to do list
o carte
pentru verde ursuz de la strainii calatori printre randuri
povesti cu si despre carturesti
tu ai miros de soare
un fel de stare de bine
un fel de stare de rau
un soi ciudat de erotism adolescentin
verde ursuz in bucatarie
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