06 April 2011

when in doubt, make tea

no doubt this time. I'm set on doing all the things I've been running away from and that implies so much less talking. It might sound naive, but is it really no pain, no gain? I don't know so I'd better give it a try. Not much time for chit-chat tonight, I've got some great things to do and sitting around here won't help. So action, action, action and do, do, do!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous04:48

    i was thinking the same, even if it's hard to give the start.
    so let's hope for the best, right?



With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

My photo
scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare