I've been doing a lot of things lately, but mostly I just went out and wasted the enormous free time that I have... unfortunately, I guess. However, every day (or better said, every night) is really great and I spend almost all my time with my dear friend Suzee. So tonight I went to Yann Tiersen, I felt like everybody there was a little bit disappointed because Yann did not play not even one of the songs which made him well-known in Romania. But it was Yann nevertheless. :)
And then we went to a friend's birthday, brought him a chocolate b-day cake and then we left and ended up in Control which became some sort of a second home for us. I've seen my favourite couple there tonight (I already told you about them in a previous post). And only for tonight we were Nina from Sweden and Aurelie from Paris. It was fun fun fun... :)
offtopic: today I made ratatouille for the fifth time so I think it might become my favourite dish.
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With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.
- She's an apple pie
- Tchai. O zi cu zâmbete.
- Sunday evening song
- aş închide ochii, dar mă tem că nu pot trece mai d...
- mic tratat cu pisici, ceaiuri, frunze uscate si al...
- Ne pare rău, nu mai avem.
- Cu milă şi tristă mirare
- Catching up
- 15 noiembrie 2009 (Bucharest by night)
- să zâmbim, ce altceva ne-a mai rămas de făcut?
- I love the smell of lemon in my Saturday tea
- nothing, nothing at all.
- ce-i mult, strică
- Ca la mama acasă
- Dezmăţ.
- boundaries
- Today I send my love to
- fericirea stă într-o ceaşcă de ceai
- dezmăţ
- cakes and bakes
- sunt unii oameni
- What I've been up to II
- către nicăieri
- în zorii vârstei
- am călcat în picioare noiembrie
- Aurelie and Nina
- Să nu ai aşteptări. Nu am. Dar nici tu să nu ai.
- Duminica vine întotdeauna cu zâmbete
VLP la MTV Romania
acasa in viena
adevaratul verde ursuz
aici ne-am chinuit neuronii mai mult decat de obicei
aiurea-n tramvai
cantec pentru a te face sa zambesti
cu inima cat un purice
fericirea sta intr-o ceasca de ceai
imi doresc
intr-o zi... o sa scriu o carte despre tine
ipocritii nu mi-au placut niciodata
iubire etc.
melancolii si firimituri
micul Paris
mie-mi plac
my precious to do list
o carte
pentru verde ursuz de la strainii calatori printre randuri
povesti cu si despre carturesti
tu ai miros de soare
un fel de stare de bine
un fel de stare de rau
un soi ciudat de erotism adolescentin
verde ursuz in bucatarie
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