30 December 2009

take a deep breath

o luăm cumva de la capăt cu un nou an? nu simt deloc că ar fi un nou început, ci doar o simplă continuare. I always have a headache nowadays. I always run and run and find too little time to stop and see, not just watch. I should take a deep breath and go on. I've came back today after a more than pleasant train trip. beautiful forests with a white untouched ground and black silhouettes holding hands together as if not letting anyone inside. with music, my school papers and a book. with peace inside and a calm I had almost forgotten. and then the people on the streets, the crowds, the cars, the insanity I love so much. I had to walk a lot by foot, problems arose as soon as I got here, had to go to places, talk to strangers, ask for informations, make phonecalls, talk a lot on the phone trying to solve the problems, getting tired with every hour. and despite all these, I didn't get mad at them, I managed to keep calm. And so, all the problems were solved. I have a headache now and I might be cold too, but I take a deep breath, take my gloves and go back outside, among the streets, the crowds, the insanity I love so much.


  1. imi place sa te citesc in engleza . imi place ca scrii in engleza . intr-o zi am sa scriu si eu mai mult si bine :) promit . ma invat de la tine :)
    keep writing !

  2. imi place ca iti place cum scriu. :*


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

My photo
scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare