15 November 2013

and I don't care

Play this first:

I'm not perfect. God knows I'm far from being perfect. And so are you. Imperfect. I get angry sometimes. Boy, I can get so angry. Upset with other people. Upset with myself. But so do you. And sometimes I'm wrong and won't always admit it. Sure, I'll admit it later when it could be too late. Because sometimes it is too late and it's something we should all keep in mind. But could you tell me you've never been wrong? And you've never lied to yourself even?

We made up perfection. And now we're trying to achieve the impossible. I'm a genuinely loving human being. And so are you. I love the feeling of loving or being in love. And so do you. I care about my family and my friends. I care about strangers. And so do you.

Don't aim for perfection, but work on whatever you wanna change. Just keep in mind that you can always get better, but not perfect. Don't lose sight of what really matters. Love matters. Honesty matters. Family matters. Friends matter.

No one cares about perfection, you know? Because behind every single thing that appears to be perfect, you'll discover not ten, but a hundred little imperfections. So go for the imperfect something in your life. And maybe, just maybe, you could discover something close to harmony: the beauty of an honest and loving life. An imperfect and beautiful one.

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With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

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scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare