25 May 2010

dearest all, am veşti

there is just so much to do, so much to plan, so much to organize. and I've got a great awesome wonderful idea last night, it involves photography (I've been missing my camera terribly since I left it at home) and pretty much every morning for a period of three weeks or so. but for that, I'm waiting for the things to chill a lil' bit.

so today was my first day at work. my first real job, my first contract, my first lunch with the colleagues. I can only consider myself very lucky because I've been given the opportunity of working in a publishing house, after going to four interviews in only 2 days (also one as a copywriter where I did a pretty well job).

other things are changing too these days, but I refrain myself from writing about those due to various reasons. I learned that sometimes it's good to keep some things only to yourself, your family and your close friends. and these close friends have reduced to a number of three. and I love them terribly although I never tell them I do, I just hope they know how much I appreciate them. there are of course the other friends, you know, you enjoy their company a lot, you also like them and appreciate them, but when you get some very good news, your closest friends are those that you call immediately on the phone to share your joy with. or at least this is only an example of illustrating a difference between them and the other friends.

so I am happy and I wish someone would give me a cat as a present, it should be a he, I'd call him Tom (very uninspired, I'll think of something else). the idea is that if I'd be given this cat (it should be black and white, I'm very picky :p) I would not run/avoid the fact of actually owning one. my last cat died this winter, hit by a car. it was a black and white one. I still miss him although I had him only for a short time but it was the most beautiful and sweetest cat ever.


  1. Anonymous17:50

    Felicitari pentru job! :)

  2. si eu am avut un motan pe care l-a calcat masina... de fapt, am avut mai multi... :-<
    PS: ce zici de asta? :D

  3. nu merge linkul :(

  4. la mine da :D poate nu i-ai dat copy/paste cum trebuie ;)
    anyway, daca inca nu ti-am zis despre el, te invit sa faci cunostinta cu blogul meu de fotografii: http://papillonenpapier.blogspot.com/ poza cu pisoiul pe care vroiam sa-l vezi e facuta la mine acasa, asta vara. :)

  5. ehehe, stiu blogul, postul nu-l gaseam.


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

My photo
scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare