03 October 2010

stuck on this feeling

dimineata de ieri a inceput cu un mic dejun la restaurantul chocolat si un interviu pentru radio romania cultural in legatura cu blogul mic dejun de bucuresti. primul lui interviu si are doar doua luni. :)

some more, when I get back. I'm rather happy today and I wish this day would end in a week or so, not tomorrow. but hey, time to get out in the grumpy wonderful cloudy weather which I truly love.


  1. pai, si cand e interviul, s-a difuzat? tare as vrea sa-l ascult ;)

  2. maine la 9 dimineata incepe emisiunea. sper doar ca nu o sa sun aiurea. :-s

  3. am ratat emisiunea de azi dimineata desi imi pregatisem aseara radio romania cultural in player :( cand e partea a2a?

  4. Anonymous03:34

    it's ok to be glad, even it's for an instance.
    it's part of you, of what you believe and feel the need to do.

    so I'm happy for the feeling you had the chance to have!

  5. @zuimuchacha: nu ştiu, aştept şi eu răspunsul, o să revin cu info. :)
    @dreamer: thank you, dear!


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

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scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare