15 September 2010

or something else

Dear Heart,

You've always been sure of those you loved. But now I don't know if you're in love or just obsessed.

photo: weheartit.com


  1. I for one have always thought of my heart as being a certain one only to find it less than constant. Eratic, irrational, illogic. They say that that is how love is. But I find that obsession has something to do with these things too. And one thing I know for sure, love and obsession are utterly incompatible.

  2. that's indeed true and I suppose it's better that way.

  3. uneori cand iubirea noastra nu mai are nicio sansa, si ne dam seama de asta, o transformam in obsesie...
    asa ca, cine stie??...

  4. be loved, don't be obsessed

  5. @elena: that might be it.
    @zurliu: no, I suppose it's "love, don't be obsessed".

  6. Stii ca nu poate fi obsesie, din moment ce atunci cand vezi persoana respectiva o simti in suflet, ca pe vremuri, ca in vremurile bune cand erai sigur ca ceea ce simteai era iubire.. Obsesia o inventeaza si reinventeaza ei, cei care nu-si pot pastra neschimbate anumite sentimente, eu asa cred..


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

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scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare