06 September 2010

What next?

it's high time we changed everything. my weeks are not enough, my 24 hours should be at least 36.

it's high time we bought colourful new tights, put on new dresses and warm coats.

welcome, autumn, I've been expecting you.

my evenings are always booked: whether's out for a drink, for a concert, for a movie, for a play (theatres are opening their doors already). so I'm almost never at home. I do not complain, I suppose it's a good thing meeting friends all the time.

it's weird, everything's so quiet these days. there's peace inside of me today, wish I could keep that all the day (could work for a song, wouldn't it?)

I hug the dreamer today and I send her all the beautiful autumn dreams.
I also want to thank these bloggers for being there and sharing their beautiful way of being: mintea de ceai, zenobia, luc, krisatomic and fashezine. There's more of them, I've got probably ten more favourite bloggers (oldies but goldies) who changed the way I am today. :) of course a blog can change you, it's about the things you like about some person's way of living, thinking, loving. And that person's no longer miles away when sharing insights of her life. :)

Foto: weheartit.com

Have a happy Monday! I go back to work!


  1. dragă verde ursuz,bine că nu m-am grăbit să ştampilez ziua asta cu gri, după un examen la care am aşteptat patru ore să intru, pentru că acum, tuşul e făcut dintr-un curcubeu.tare mi-s dragi cuvintele tale, toate. mulţumesc.

  2. Anonymous09:09

    thank you for this tuesday morning peaceful smile on my face!
    pentru mine este o saptamana grea, cu incercari in punctul meu sensibil pe care sper sa le trec cu bine.
    ma consoleaza insa visele catre Budapesta.

    >:d< as for this tuesday morning.


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.

My photo
scriu pentru mine, ca să cresc mare