and wiser. and with a bad memory.
but somehow we ended up with this fragile little thing which gives us the biggest headaches. when it doesn't remind us what happiness really is. and that would be love.
tonight I came back looking like I just left wearing my night gown. truth is I could hardly wait to get home and get some sleep. the feeling of arriving home is something I will always enjoy in a particular way. I've seen some new streets tonight, deserted if I don't count the beggars and the omnipresent dogs. this city is queer, so full of light, of cabs, of people coming back or going to some parties and so empty, so dark, filled with black old buildings, with big windows and iron doors. I feel like it's a hypocrite city somehow.
have a good night!
21 June 2010
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With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.
îmi ţin fericirea în buzunare, în zeci de buzunare cusute pe dos.
- iubire etc.
- nu-i nimic in mintea mea
- I think I like you. But before I tell you that, I ...
- un an, o viaţă
- les gens, voila. Marci.
- Will you, please?
- I just very killed a mosquito
- v-am spus eu că
- in unele zile te trezesti trist
- vă spuneam de poze
- why blog?
- we build our own happiness
- may all our wishes come true
- povestea prajiturilor cu ciocolata
- dupa-amiaza cu nori si blocuri vechi
- oda minciunii
- esti imatura
- heart. they should've made it stronger
- e duminică, dar îmi imaginez că e vineri
- Neopolitan dreams
- good morning
- diminetile mele de vara
- Once-Morris Gleitzman
- ieri
- declaratie de iubire
- nu-mi trece de tine
- oh my oh my
- Max Blecher - Vizuina luminata
- despre nimicurile mele.
- când descoperi
- surd
- So many things :)
- weekend plin
- despre iubire la 36 de grade
- I am a woman
- rime alandala
- maruntisurile unei zile de marti
- din taramul aristocrato-pisicesc
- maria
- just a little bit stronger
- the way I am
- dear everyone
- e mai usor sa furi, decat sa scrii
- ca tot e joi
- pentru verde ursuz. because we're wearing the same...
- dati-mi gandurile voastre toate
- nu-mi impart bucuria cu nimeni
acasa in viena
adevaratul verde ursuz
aici ne-am chinuit neuronii mai mult decat de obicei
aiurea-n tramvai
cantec pentru a te face sa zambesti
cu inima cat un purice
fericirea sta intr-o ceasca de ceai
imi doresc
intr-o zi... o sa scriu o carte despre tine
ipocritii nu mi-au placut niciodata
iubire etc.
melancolii si firimituri
micul Paris
mie-mi plac
my precious to do list
o carte
pentru verde ursuz de la strainii calatori printre randuri
povesti cu si despre carturesti
tu ai miros de soare
un fel de stare de bine
un fel de stare de rau
un soi ciudat de erotism adolescentin
verde ursuz in bucatarie
VLP la MTV Romania
si eu am o bucurie in mine atunci cand sunt pe strazi noi.